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Help shape the emerging proposals for new homes and community facilities north of Penkridge

South Staffordshire District Council has proposed the allocation of land north of Penkridge for new homes and community facilities in the new draft Local Plan for the District. Informed by the vision for Penkridge North established by the District Council in the draft Local Plan, family-owned housebuilder Bloor Homes and West Midlands-based developer St Philips, are preparing proposals for a beautiful and vibrant new neighbourhood of family and affordable homes, community hub and facilities including a new school, in addition to extensive green public open space and active travel routes.

Updated Autumn 2023

We wanted to understand the views and aspirations of people in Penkridge and the surrounding areas to help us shape the emerging proposals. This will ensure our plans are designed to best meet the needs and aspirations of the growing community. We carried out in-depth consultation with the community through the summer of 2023 before submitting planning applications for the new neighbourhood, and we created this website to provide the community with an opportunity to view information about the emerging proposals, provide feedback and help us to shape a neighbourhood that delivers the amenities, homes and facilities that Penkridge needs.

The pre-application process has now ended as we prepare to submit planning applications to South Staffordshire District Council.

However, we are keeping the website live so that members of the community can view the previous consultation presentation, as well as keeping up to date on progress with the planning process.

You can continue to get in touch with any comments and questions about the emerging plans via our dedicated contact form.

You can also complete a short sign-up form to ensure that you receive updates about further stages in the consultation process.

Planning applications

There will be three planning applications for Penkridge North following the public consultation exercise:

Updated January 2024

St Philips has submitted an Outline Planning Application for further phases of Penkridge North

Following the Full Planning Application submitted by Bloor Homes for the first phase of Penkridge North (135 high-quality family and affordable homes and the first sections of Penkridge’s new Community Riverside Park and Strategic Active Travel Route – more information here), St Philips has now submitted an Outline Planning Application for further phases of the strategic site.

The Outline Planning Application submitted by St Philips is for up to 750 high quality homes in a mix of sizes and tenures, including 40% affordable housing. At least 40 of the new homes will be Specialist Older People’s Housing Units. The planning application also includes a new first school and nursery, a community hub of up to 1,000m2 to incorporate local convenience retail, commercial premises/work space, food/drink establishment, potential community space and a mobility hub.

Extensive areas of public open space are incorporated in the plans, with the retention and enhancement of existing woodland alongside new landscape planting. Public open space will also include the remaining sections of Penkridge’s new Riverside Community Park, opening up the western banks of the Penk to public access for the first time.

A new Strategic Active Travel Route is also proposed linking the proposed new neighbourhood with the village centre. There will also be new sports pitches and changing facilities, with parking and access by active travel.

You can find further information about the St Philips Outline Planning Application on the dedicated webpage here.

Information about Bloor Homes’ Full Planning Application for Phase 1 of Penkridge North remains available to view here.

Consultation and planning timeline

Phase 1 consultation – Aspirations and opportunities

May 2023

Local people were given the opportunity to use the interactive map and survey to help us deliver homes and facilities that respond to local aspirations.

Phase 2 consultation – Masterplan

June 2023 to July 2023

Informed by input from the community in Phase 1, the masterplan for the site was presented for community feedback. Included a public drop-in exhibition of the plans held at the Haling Dene Centre in the village on 6th July 2023, 2pm - 7:30pm.

Planning applications submitted

Late 2023/Early 2024

Our proposals were submitted to the Local Planning Authority – South Staffordshire District Council – for review and determination.

Statutory consultation


A further opportunity for people to have their say, with South Staffordshire District Council carrying out their own Statutory Consultation on the submitted plans.

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